To:      Executive Member for Children Young People & Learning

10 August 2021



School Admission Arrangements – Changes for 2021/22 and 2022/23

Executive Director of People

1              Purpose of Report


To re-determine the revised school admission arrangements for the academic years 2021/22 and 2022/23 due to the new School Admissions Code 2021.


2            Recommendation

2.1       To agree the attached appendices A – E as the admission arrangements for 2021.22 and 2022.23

 3         Reasons for Recommendation

3.1       A new School Admissions Code 2021 has been laid before parliament and became law on 1 July with implementation for September 2021. The Code requires changes to be made. The new Code requires the Looked After Children criteria to be extended to include those children what have been in state care outside of England but have been adopted. As this is a statutory change there is no requirement to consult.

4          Alternative Options Considered

4.1       None

5          Supporting Information

5.1       The new School Admissions Code 2021 requires admission authorities to ensure their admission arrangements comply with the changes. No other changes are being proposed.

5.2       The proposed annual admissions arrangements are set out in Appendices A to E.

APPENDIX A – Primary School Admission Arrangements 2021/22

APPENDIX B – Secondary School Admission Arrangements 2021/22

APPENDIX C – In year School Admission Arrangements 2021/22

APPENDIX D – 6th Form Admission Arrangements 2021/22 and 2022/23

APPENDIX E Primary, secondary and in year Admission Arrangements 2022/23

6          Consultation and Other Considerations

Legal Advice

6.1       The proposed admissions arrangements set out in Appendices A to E complies with The School Admissions Code (“the Code”) issued under Section 84 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1988 (SSFA 1988), and incorporates the changes to the Code which comes into effect on 01 September 2021 in respect of Looked after/previously looked after children who had ceased to be looked after due to adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order having been made in respect of them.

            The Code expands the definition of looked after children to include those children who were in state care outside of England but who where then adopted.  The Appendices in A to E incorporates these changes effective from 01 September 2021

Financial Advice

6.2       The Director of Resources: Finance Finance is satisfied that no significant financial  implications arise from this report.


Other Consultation Responses

6.3       Not applicable

Equalities Impact Assessment

6.4       Bracknell Forest Council has an inclusive education policy and children will not be discriminated against as laid down by the Human Rights Act 1998, Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005 and Equality Act 2010.

Strategic Risk Management Issues

6.5            Significant Risks include:






If the annual admissions arrangements are not determined, the Local Authority would be in breach of the new School Admissions Code.


The Local Authority could be reported to the Schools Adjudicator for failure to comply with the School Admissions Code.


Climate Change Implications

6.6       The recommendations in Section 2 above are expected to have no impact on emissions of CO2.

Background Papers


School Admissions Code 2021 DfE


Contact for further information

Lesley Adams, School Admissions - 01344 354143